Long Hoang Le
!Ph.D. in Informatics!
Zürich, Switzerland
I am interested in the theory and practice of!dependable distributed systems. My contributions
to systems research have focused on designing, implementing and evaluating scalable, strongly
consistent systems, particularly in the context of state machine replication, the core
component of many systems: Windows Azure Storage, MySQL replication group, Google
Spanner, blockchains, etc.
To a large extent,!I find myself interested in the interplay between theory and practice. Before
and during my Ph.D., I have been working in some start-ups and industrial firms. My
practical experience of web and blockchain applications development gained from small to
large scale projects with industrial standard.
Knowledge in Computer Science, with competencies in algorithms, data structures, operating
systems, programming languages, and distributed algorithms.
Industrial experience with web/application development (NodeJs, ExpressJs, ReactJs),
blockchains (Bitcoin derived), and related technologies.
Experience in the development of multithreaded and distributed client-server infrastructure,
using different network protocols (e.g., RDMA, TCP/IP, atomic broadcast and atomic
multicast), and dealing with problems related to distributed and multithreaded code, such as
dead-locks and live-locks
Experience with programming, optimizing and debugging. Hand on experience with
multiprogramming, multi-platform coding (Linux, Mac OS X, and Win32)
Applications, tools, and frameworks
Programming languages: Java (Java SE 6 Programmer certified), Javascript (NodeJs), TypeScript,
Bash scripting, Python.
Backend frameworks: ExpressJs, Koa, Sails
Frontend: HTML5/CSS3, React, React Native,
Databases: Relational databases (SQL), NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis)
Blockchains: Bitcoin & Bitcoin derived blockchains, SmartContract, Wallets, Payments
Cloud Stack: Amazon: EC2, S3, RDS, SQS, Elastic Beanstalk, VPC, Lambda.
Containerize: Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
CI/CD pipeline: Travis/Codeship, Heroku, Jenkins
Network protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, RDMA
Others: WebRTC, Streaming
Vietnamese (native), English (advanced, TOEIC 880 certified on Oct – 2010, TOEFL iBT 87
certified on Aug – 2008 )